- From a shell
- vpaste file [option=value,..]
- <command> | vpaste [option=value,..]
- From Vim
- :map vp :exec "w !vpaste ft=".&ft<CR>
- :vmap vp <ESC>:exec "'<,'>w !vpaste ft=".&ft<CR>
- With curl
- <command> | curl -F 'text=<-'[?option=value,..]
Add ?option[=value],.. to make your text a rainbow.
Options specified when uploading are saved as defaults.
- bg, background={light|dark}
- Background color to use for the page
- et, expandtab
- Expand tabs to spaces
- fdm, foldmethod=(syntax|indent)
- Turn on dynamic code folding
- ft, filetype={filetype}
- A filetype to use for highlighting, see above menu for supported types
- nu, number
- Add line numbers
- ts, tabstop=[N]
- Number of spaces to use for tabs when et is set
- ...
- See :help modeline for more information